Zombie Jesus Nativity Scene Leaves God ‘Frowning’

God is “frowning” on a nativity scene in Cincinnati, Ohio, according to Christian protesters flustered at the contents of an unusual festive display. Jasen Dixon, the manager of the local “13 Rooms of Doom,” created a life-sized zombie nativity scene replete with undead baby Jesus nestled in a hay trough, serenaded by a ghostly cover of ‘Silent Night.’


According to ‘The New York Times,’ this is the second year Dixon has presented Christ’s birth as a vignette of the living dead. Last year he was ordered to take it down. This year he applied for a permit, only to be refused as it contravened a local zoning laws. Undeterred, Dixon built it anyway, risking a $500 a day fine from Sycamore town officials, as well as stirring the ire of the local faithful.




Writing on his Facebook page on Friday, Dixon said: “We were going to take it down, decided to leave it up, all the lights are re-hooked and open for business just no roof. Let’s see what happens.” Speaking to a local TV news channel over the weekend, Dixon explained: “I got all the paperwork and how it was wrote out, and it says as long as it’s not over 200-square foot that I can have it without a permit, and it’s about 65-square foot.”




When asked what exactly local authorities might not like about a life-sized display featuring a cross-legged, razor-toothed zombie Jesus surrounded by undead wise men bent on flesh, Dixon said: “I think it’s the theme. It just rubs people the wrong way. That’s why they’re coming down so hard on me.”


zombie jesus


Zombie Jesus sits next to a pamphlet given out by a local Christian group


The owner, who is currently asking for donations to help cover the costs of any fines, insists his neighbours are fine with the scene. God, however, is perturbed, his followers protesting the Yuletide exhibit by handing out pamphlets.


“GOD FROWNS UPON THIS MANGER SCENE,” the literature screamed, noting: “Jesus has supreme power over death and evil; he is not a zombie.”


Christ did, however, rise from the dead… so prepare for the apocalypse.


A Few Surprising Foods That Actually Have More Sugar Than A Krispy Kreme Donut

The phrase “sugary foods” probably brings a few things to mind: junk food, chocolate bars, donuts, and soft drinks. What you probably don’t think of are snacks that are generally accepted as “healthy” alternatives. Take Part wanted to illustrate just how sugary some normal foods are, so they compared their sugar content to that of a Krispy Kreme donut. The results were pretty shocking. I’m going to start eating grilled cheese and donuts. Take Part Using this dressing on salads seems like a terrible idea. Take Part I guess no one thought Fruit Loops were a good idea. Take Part…

If You Want To Spend Hundreds On A Gift That’ll Ruin Your Child’s Life, This Is It

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A Mall Santa Goes The Extra Mile For A Boy With Autism, And My Heart’s Melting

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Charles Bronson Raises Money For Disabled Man, Bradley Hannan, Who Was Attacked At A Bus Stop

Britain’s most notorious criminal, Charles Bronson, has raised money for a disabled man who was beaten up and mugged at a bus stop.


The 62-year-old inmate has been the instigator of a number of attacks on prisoners and guards.


But he was touched by the violence directed at Bradley Hannan, a 29-year-old man who has battled several brain tumors and weighs just six stone.


charles bronson


Charles Bronson


Hannan was punched in the head and had his wallet and mobile phone stolen during the attack, which happened on November 18 in Medway, Kent.


When he heard of the attack, Bronson, who is now calling himself Charles Salvador, sold a piece of his artwork in an online auction and donated the profits to Hannan.


The artwork sold for £430 and Bronson included a message to Hannan, KentOnline reports.


Bronson said: “A nice few quid for you to have a great Crimbo. Don’t allow them worms to change your life.


“Get back out there and show them worms they can never beat you. Your [sic] well respected and have many supporters and a smashing family.”



Bradley Hannan with his sister, Daniela Golding


Speaking of the attacker, Bronson added: “Brave picking on him eh? Six stone. It’s a sick old world out there.


“Them worms will get there [sic] just deserts. See how they like it. Who knows, they may end up next to me.


“How nice that would be.”


Many people were shocked to hear of the brutal assault on Hannan while he waited for a bus on his way home from volunteering at hospital.


A GoFundMe fundraising page was set up for Hannan following the attack. So far, more than £3,500 has been raised.




A message posted on the fundraising page reads: “A disabled man was attacked by thug in Chatham, Luton road on 18/11/15, his money and phone was stolen but not only that he was punched by these sick people that caused this to him.


“I’m raising money for Bradley to get money back that was stolen but also a treat as he helps at medway hospital.


“This story has touched my heart, I do not know the family or Bradley but hope this provides some reassurance that there is good people in the world including him.”


This is not the first time that the notorious criminal has shown his charitable side.


Last month, Bronson sent a ‘get well’ card to a five-month-old girl battling a congenital heart condition after her father requested a message “from one fighter to another”.


In July, Bronson sent Alton Tower’s crash victim, Leah Washington a handmade card that featured a smiling dragon with the words “It’s nice to be nice.” A message from the inmate read: “Leah, hope you get well soon, x .”


Also on the Huffington Post UK:


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Benedict Cumberbatch Pens His Letter To Father Christmas (And It’s As Perfect As You’d Expect)

The festive season is upon us, and anyone hoping for presents under the tree should have sent their letter to Father Christmas by now – so thank goodness Benedict Cumberbatch has just got his in on time.


The ‘Sherlock’ star has got a lot on his plate at the moment – y’know, the usual stuff like fatherhood, an award-winning BBC drama and new Marvel film – but Benedict has wisely found time to pen his note for Santa.


benedict cumberbatch


Benedict Cumberbatch


In the letter, published on Huffington Post UK, Benedict outlines his hopes for this Christmas, and shares his festive wish.


“You are for the children,” he writes. “Children who need some magic in a world where the borders between innocence and responsibility, playful imagination and cold, adult obstacles are continually shrinking.


“This is what I’d like to ask you to help with. A little more time for children to be children. Stretch the moment of magic and playfulness.


“Distract them from the realities of a world gone mad so that they can laugh with their breath rather than sob with their tears. Especially those caring for family members, or suffering illness, hunger or poverty.


“Especially those hiding in buildings as bombs rain down, or being handed shaking with fear or cold into a boat to escape environmental disaster or war. Please help to light up their worlds with a moment of joy and hope.”


Benedict will be back on our TV screens on New Year’s Day, when ‘Sherlock’ returns for the hotly-anticipated special, which will be set in Victorian London.


The cast are set to reunite again in 2016, to film a full fourth season of the hit show.


Read Benedict Cumberbatch’s full letter to Father Christmas here.




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